Sesiynau CFfI Ffrangeg | YFC Sessions French
30 March, 2021
This event is no longer available.
Er bod Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen a Dydd Sant Ffolant bellach wedi mynd heibio am flwyddyn arall, mae dal gennych amser i ddysgu “iaith y cariadon” y gwanwyn hwn. Felly lai, mentrwch, ac ymunwch a ni i ddysgu ychydig o Ffrangeg gyda chymorth Sophie Thomas (Linguistically Sophie)?
Although Dydd Santes Dwynwen and Valentines Day have passed us for another year, there’s still time to learn “the language of love” this spring. So why not get stuck in and learn a little French with the help of Sophie Thomas (Linguistically Sophie) ?
- March 30, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm